Dlist Getting Started Installation Update Menu Setting Contact Form 7 Translation Customization Importing Demo Listing Management Configure the Add Listing form fields Adding a listing from the frontend & backend Guest listing submission Single Listings Management Listings Sidebar All Listings Management Category Archive Location Archive General Listing Settings Monetization Monetization Overview General Configurations Test Configuration Managing Orders Pricing Plans WooCommerce Pricing Plans Claim Listing Search and Filter Settings Search Listing Form Setup Advanced Filters in Search Result Page Advanced Search and Filter Advanced Filter in Search Listings Form Search Result Page Setup Advanced Search in All Listings Page Advanced Filter in Widget Customization Custom Fields On Add Listing Page Registration and Login Customization Badges Styling Adding Widgets Email Template Customize Advanced Settings Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Configuring Maps Review Management Related Listings Management Map View Creating Pages Creating Pages Elementor – Page Builder Claim Listing Configure the claim listing The next thing is to configure the claim listing add-on. Luckily, it is very easy to configure this add-on. Most of the settings have a default value set, so you just need to skim through them quickly and hit the "Save Changes" button. Read through the docs and see the attached screenshot for clear understanding. Setting up Claim Listing's basic options The first thing you need to do after installing the plugin is to make sure some basic settings related to claim listing is properly set. Go to Directory Settings > Extensions Settings > Extension General Make sure the following options are set to 'yes' Claim Listing option should be set to Yes. It controls the global display of the claim listings on your site. It is the master control of your claim listing controls. If you set this option to 'No', all functionalities of the claim listing add-on will be disabled all over the site. You can enable or disable the claim listing functionality from this one place. WooCommerce Pricing Plan Or Pricing Plan Initial extension settings Now Go to Directory Settings > Extensions Settings > Claim Listings In this following page, you can customize the global settings for the claim listing. A brief explanation of the above settings. Claim Widget Title: This controls how the title will appear in the claim listing widget. (See the image below) Description: This controls the description of the claim listing widget. Method of Charging: This is probably the most important control of claim listing. This control lets you set the global method of charging a claimer of a listing. What it means is that, you can also set the method of charging a claimer on each listing edit screen and if you do not set the method of charging for a claim on each listing, then this setting will be used, this is why it is called global charging method of a claim. Claim Now Button: Customize the text of the claim button using this option. Display Claim Now Button on Listing Details: Admin can show Claim Now button in single listing by using this option.(Default is Disable) Display Claimed Badge: If you set this option to 'Yes' then a badge will be displayed beside the listing title. It is useful because it distinguishes between claimed/verified listings and unclaimed/unverified listings.(see the image below) Verified Text: You can customize the text for the claimed badge using this option. For example: claimed or verified etc. It depends on the "Display Claimed Badge" option. (see the image below) You can choose a default global method of charging a user for claiming for a listing from Directory Settings > Extensions Settings > Claim Listing and Set ‘Method of Charging‘ to one of the 'Pricing Plans', 'Claim for Free', and 'Set a Claim Fee' Method of Charging Set a claim fee In the edit listing screen, you will see the "Claim Details" meta box on the top-right corner. Select the 'Set a claim fee' option and enter a price to charge an owner when a claim is made. Setting a claim fee Setting up Directorist Pricing Plans Once you have installed it, you should see a new submenu called Pricing Plans under the directorist listings menu. Adding Plans Go to Directory Listings > Pricing Plans > and click "Add New" to add a new pricing plan. Adding a new pricing plan Check all the features you want to provide with this plan and hit publish. You can add as many plans as you want in this way. Displaying the plans You can display all plans using the following shortcodes on any page. Shortcode: [directorist_pricing_plans] You can also display a particular pricing plan on any page using the shortcode found at the bottom of the pricing plan edit page. It will look somewhat like below. The id may be different for your plan. Shortcode for displaying a single plan Note: the page with the shortcode [directorist_pricing_plans] or a single plan shortcode should be assigned to the Directory Settings> Pages, Links & views > Pricing Plans Page option. We have already covered it in the page settings section of this documentation. Once you have assigned the page to the Pricing Plans Page option mentioned, the claim listing extension will automatically display this plan to your user when they will make a claim. Of course, you need to select the pricing plans as a method of charge mentioned in the beginning of the page for this pricing plan to be used for checkout. Setting up Directorist WooCommerce Pricing Plans Once you have installed it, you will see a new product type called "Listing Pricing Plan" appears in the product type select menu. New WooCommerce Product Type: Listing Pricing Plan Any listing pricing plan using this add-on is like adding a new type of WooCommerce Product called 'Listing Pricing Plan'. As it is nothing but a WooCommerce product, therefore, the order of this product/pricing plan is handled by WooCommerce. What it means is that you will find all the orders of this pricing plan under WooCommerce > Orders instead of Directory Listings > Order History. Adding Plans Adding a listing pricing plan using this add-on is very easy. Follow the steps below to add a pricing plan using WooCommerce and Directorist Go to WordPress Dashboard > Products and click "Add New". Select Listing Pricing Plan from the Product Type select menu. Set a regular price (optionally a sale price) and check/set the features you want to offer for this plan and hit the publish button. Adding new pricing plan product (click on the image to view in large) Select New WooCommerce Product Type: Listing Pricing Plan You can add as many pricing plans as you want in this way. Displaying the plans You can display all plans using the following shortcodes on any page. Shortcode: [directorist_pricing_plans] Display of Claim Listing Directorist Claim Listing will create a widget called Directorist - Claim Listings for displaying information about claim listings. Follow the steps to display the claim listing. Go to Appearance > Widgets. Drag and drop the Directorist - Claim Listing widget to the "Listing Right Sidebar" area. Visit a listing and you will see a claim listing widget has been Adding Claim Listing Widget (Click on the image to view it in full size ) .. Business Owner will be able to claim the ownership of a listing/business by clicking the 'claim now' button. A nice form will show in a pop-up modal when a user will click on the claim now button. Optionally, you can test the claim listing functionality by clicking the 'claim now' button. A user will be required to fill up all the fields in the claim form. if you have assigned a pricing plan as a method of charge for a claim for this listing then business owner will be able to choose a plan before claiming his business. The next step is to moderate the claims received from a business owner. Moderating Claims You can moderate claims very easily from a simple user interface. You will see all the claims received from different business owners in Directory Listings > Claim Listings page. Claim List Page Claim Status: There are three statuses in claim listings: 1. Approved, 2. Pending and 3. Declined. Approved: When you have verified a user and received payments, you should set the claim status to approved. An approved claim will add a nice badge to the claimed listing/business. You can also modify the claimed badge text from the claim listing extension's settings page. Here is what happens when you approve a claim. A) Claimer of the listing will be the new owner of the listing. He will be able to modify the information of the listing. B) No one can claim this listing again once its claim from an owner is approved. Claim Listing widget for this listing will be hidden. C) A nice badge will be displayed beside the title of the claimed listing. The text of the badge is customizable. This will distinguish between claimed and unclaimed listings. Pending: When a new claim is made, it will have a pending status. It means the admin has not reviewed the claim yet. Declined: When an admin does not approve a claim, he/she will reject that claim and it will have a declined status. Moderating a claim: Go to Directory Listings > Claim Listings and hover on any claim and click on the edit link. You will see the edit claim page like below. Claim View or Moderation UI Review the claim details and choose a listing status eg. approved or decline and update the claim. Both admin and claimer will get a notification of the claim's status via email. If you approve the claim, claimer will be the new owner of the listing and a new badge will be added to the listing. See the images below for some visual ideas how claim status works and how it affects a listing. Before a claim is approved for the following listing. After a claim is approved for the following listing. Last Updated: June 1st, 2020 Related Article WooCommerce Pricing Plans Pricing Plans Managing Orders