Directorist Claim Listing will create a widget called Directorist - Claim Listings for displaying information about claim listings.
Follow the steps to display the claim listing.
Go to Appearance > Widgets.
Drag and drop the Directorist - Claim Listing widget to the "Listing Right Sidebar" area.
Visit a listing and you will see a claim listing widget has been
Adding Claim Listing Widget (Click on the image to view it in full size )
Claim Listing Widget
Business Owner will be able to claim the ownership of a listing/business by clicking the 'claim now' button. A nice form will show in a pop-up modal when a user will click on the claim now button. Optionally, you can test the claim listing functionality by clicking the 'claim now' button.
Claim Modal Form on front-end
A user will be required to fill up all the fields in the claim form. if you have assigned a pricing plan as a method of charge for a claim for this listing then business owner will be able to choose a plan before claiming his business.
The next step is to moderate the claims received from a business owner.