When a claim is made or a claim status changes, both the admin and the claimer receive notifications. You can edit those notifications very easily.
Please go to Directory Settings > Email Settings.
You can customize the general settings of email notification under the "Email General" tab.
Email General setting
You can customize the message of all notifications under the "Email Templates" tab. You can customize notifications for a new claim, an approved claim, and a declined claim under the Email Templates. See the screenshot below.
Claim Email Template Settings
Creating Dynamic Notification:
You can use Placeholders to output dynamic value.
You can use the following keywords/placeholder in any of your email bodies/templates or subjects to output dynamic value. Usage: place the placeholder name between == and == . For Example: use ==SITE_NAME== to output The Your Website Name etc.
==NAME==: It outputs The listing owner's display name on the site
==USERNAME==: It outputs The listing owner's user name on the site
==SITE_NAME== : It outputs your site name
==SITE_LINK== : It outputs your site name with link
==SITE_URL== : It outputs your site URL with link
==EXPIRATION_DATE== : It outputs Expiration date
==CATEGORY_NAME==: It outputs the category name that is going to expire
==LISTING_ID== : It outputs the listing's ID
==RENEWAL_LINK== : It outputs a link to renewal page
==LISTING_TITLE== : It outputs the listing's title
==LISTING_LINK==: It outputs the listing's title with link
==LISTING_URL== : It outputs the listing's URL with link
==ORDER_ID== : It outputs the order id. It should be used for order related email only
==ORDER_RECEIPT_URL== : It outputs a link to the order receipt page. It should be used for order related email only
==ORDER_DETAILS== : It outputs order details. It should be used for order related email only
==TODAY== : It outputs the current date
==NOW== : It outputs the current time
Additionally, you can also use HTML tags in your template.
An example of a dynamic email template using some placeholders mentioned above is given below.
Dear ==NAME==,
This email is to notify you that your listing '==LISTING_TITLE==' has been received and it is under review now.
It may take up to 24 hours to complete the review.
The Administrator of ==SITE_NAME==