Product Overview:
The Multi Directory Plugin is an extension for the Directorist plugin, designed for users to expand their individual listings with additional listings from various directory categories or types. This functionality is typically used by your user to display relevant listings on the single listing page.
For instance, You might have two directories. The first one is for hospitals, while the second one is for doctors. The doctors might now want to demonstrate that they are employed by a specific hospital. Similar to this, a hospital owner would want to show that a specific doctor or doctors are employed by their facility. As a result, they might all desire to link to entries from various sorts of directories in order to connect with one another. This interlinking allows for a seamless integration between the listings in different directory types.
To create the interconnection between listings in different directories, the Multi Directory Plugin provides a straightforward solution. It includes a multi-directory linking field within the directory builder options, which allows users to input relevant information on the add listing page. This field collects the necessary data, enabling users to specify connections between listings.
Additionally, when a visitor views a listing on the submission page, the multi-directory linking field displays the interconnected information. This ensures that visitors can easily see the associations between different listings from various directories, enhancing the browsing experience and promoting seamless navigation across interconnected directories.
Installation Guideline:
To set up a multi directory linking plugin go to the wordpress admin dashboard panel. Navigate to the "Directory Listings" section in the left sidebar. Click on "Directory Builder" to access the available directory types. Here, you can see the existing directories and also have the option to create a new directory.
Choose the directory with which you want to establish a connection. Inside the selected directory, locate the "Add Listing Form" option. Within the "Add Listing Form," you will find a list of available directories. To connect the desired directory, simply drag and drop it from the available directories to the left side, where the active fields are located.
By doing this, you enable users to connect their listings with the selected directory while adding them to your site.
To show the linking directories go to “Single Page Layout” and click on “Content”. Then,drag and drop the link directory field to active fields.
You will be able to see the linking directories inside your directory.
Edit Setting:
To change the settings of the Multi-Directory Linking plugin, navigate to Wordpress Admin Dashboard> Directory Listings> Settings> Extensions> Extension general and turn on the Directory Linking type.
You can refer to the screenshot below for visual guidance:
Key Features :
The Multi Directory Linking Plugin offers the following key features:
Flexible Listing Linking: Connect any listing from one directory to another listing in a different directory, allowing for seamless interconnections between directories.
Multi-Directory Linking within Listings: Enable users to link listings from multiple directories within a single directory listing, providing comprehensive information and enhancing the user experience.
Pagination Functionality: Implement pagination to ensure a smooth and user-friendly browsing experience, especially when dealing with a large number of interconnected listings.
Monetization Opportunities: Leverage the extension's features to generate revenue by including them in premium pricing plans, offering additional value to users.
Easy Configuration: As a site owner, effortlessly configure the extension's settings through the Directorist Directory Builder with just a few clicks, saving time and effort.
Customizable Heading Labels: Customize the labels for linked or connected listings, allowing for a personalized touch and better alignment with your directory's branding.
Drag and Drop Functionality: Seamlessly add the multi-directory linking field to the add listing page and single listing page of the directory builder using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, ensuring convenient customization.
Administrative Restriction: Restrict the usage of the multi-directory linking feature to administrators only, providing control over its implementation.
Required Linking Feature: Make the multi-directory linking feature mandatory for users when submitting a listing, ensuring consistent and interconnected data across directories.
Listing Selection Control: Choose whether users can select a single or multiple items when linking listings, tailoring the feature to your specific directory needs.
With these features, the Multi Directory Linking Plugin enhances the functionality of your directories, promotes interconnectedness, and provides opportunities for customization and monetization.
Benefits for Service Listing Owners:
Enabling service listing owners to sell their services brings several advantages, including:
- Increased Revenue Streams: By incorporating the services of individual professionals, service listing owners can diversify their revenue streams and potentially earn more through commissions or subscription fees.
- Enhanced Service Offerings: The ability to add professionals from different directories enhances the range and quality of services available on the platform, attracting more customers and improving user satisfaction.
- Competitive Advantage: The premium plan offers exclusive features and benefits, giving service listing owners a competitive advantage in the market and positioning their platform as a top choice for users.
- Establishing Partnerships: Collaborating with professionals from different directories opens up opportunities for partnerships and cross-promotion, expanding the reach and visibility of the service listing owner's platform.
By giving service listing owners the ability to monetize their platforms, you may completely transform the way companies operate business. Service listing owners may reach into new revenue sources, improve their services, and get a competitive edge in the market by adopting free and premium plans, connecting payment gateways, and utilizing the multi-directory linking extension. With the help of this extension, owners of service offerings may achieve their revenue potential and build successful online marketplaces.
Last Updated: August 25th, 2023