Get the Most Complete & Cost-effective
Directory Listing Solution
Trusted by 10,000+ Users, Why Won’t You?
- 100% risk-free
- 14-day money back guarantee
3 Months
- All Extensions
- All Premium Themes
- Future Themes & Extensions
- Unlimited Sites License
- Priority Support
- Auto Updates
- 14 Day Guarantee
- 30% Renewal Discount Renewal discount is based on the regular price which is subject to change
6 Months
- All Extensions
- All Premium Themes
- Future Themes & Extensions
- Unlimited Sites License
- Priority Support
- Auto Updates
- 14 Day Guarantee
- 40% Renewal Discount Renewal discount is based on the regular price which is subject to change
1 Year
- All Extensions
- All Premium Themes
- Future Themes & Extensions
- Unlimited Sites License
- Priority Support
- Auto Updates
- 14 Day Guarantee
- 50% Renewal Discount Renewal discount is based on the regular price which is subject to change
payment save 10% save 15% save 20%
- All Extensions
- All Premium Themes
- Future Themes & Extensions
- 1 Site5 SitesUnlimited Sites License
- Priority Support
- Auto Updates
- 14 Day Guarantee Limited Time
- Renewal not required
100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee!
We think users' satisfaction is our prime achievement. However, if the plugin still doesn’t serve your purposes, we’ll be more than happy to refund 100% of your payment within 14 days of your purchase. No questions will be asked! Learn more about our refund policy.
Masud Rana
CEO & Founder
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I purchase single extensions?
Yes, you can definitely purchase the individual extensions based on the functionalities you want to add to your website. Please go through the list of extensions we offer.
Do you have a refund policy?
Yes, we have 14 days money-back guarantee. If you think the product is not a perfect fit for your needs we will refund you within the first 14 days of your purchase. Read our refund policy.
What happens if I do not renew my license?
If you do not wish to renew, the extension/theme will function properly but you won't receive support and updates.
Is it mandatory to purchase the extensions?
No, you can keep using the free version of Directorist as long as you need. However, extensions can be extremely helpful to extend the functionalities of your Directory website and boost user satisfaction significantly.
Do I have to pay extra for support?
No! You do not have to pay extra for support as long as you have a valid license. If your license expires you need to renew to continue receiving support.
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes, you can cancel anytime and no questions will be asked. You’ll still be able to use the plugin without updates and support.
What payment methods are accepted?
We accept PayPal payments as well as all major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express.
I need help with other inquiries, can you assist?
Surely! You can ask us any questions through our live chat or our support page.
Can I upgrade my license?
Yes, you can upgrade your license to any yearly or lifetime plan anytime within the subscription period. Just log in to your directorist account and navigate to Dashboard → Subscription → Upgrade.
Do I need to pay the full price during the upgrade?
No, you need to pay the difference only and the difference will be calculated based on the days remaining.