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directorist 7

Directorist 7.0: Things to Consider Before Upgrading

Most of you probably have already known that Directorist has got another major release with version 7.0. Since this is bigger than ever; hence, we want to let you know some important aspects that you need to know before upgrading the current version to version 7.0.

Being a company, it’s a great responsibility to update the product with new competitive features based on users’ demand, but upgrading to a greater extent is always critical in terms of safety and stable workflow. We need to ensure and provide a balanced ecosystem in between those releases. That’s why the article is aiming for!

Large-scale changes in the core can be a daunting task, but there are things every business should consider when updating the current version to the latest one. In this article, we’ll guide you on what you’re getting in this BIG update, what could be the further issues you may face, and how can you solve them if you face any one of them.

Hence, this article directs to make your new experience smoother and better with the latest Directorist version. Here I’ve listed abridged traits to demonstrate how this awesome directory plugin has been evolving to provide users with advanced functionalities.

Before You Upgrade

Directorist 7.0 includes major changes throughout the plugin, in fact, we had to re-develop certain Directorist functionalities from scratch. The multi-directory, form builder, and templating feature completely changed the coding structure so the migration from the current state to the new requires some awareness. We have witnessed the grapple of Elementor, WooCommerce’s during the migration process therefore, complications may occur while transitioning to the new version.   

We tried our utmost to make the migration process smoother by testing it in different environments but there are over 10,000 active installations and testing all of them is out of the question. So, before upgrading to Directorist 7.0, we recommend you go through the following. 

  1. Make sure to have a backup of your site before upgrading to the Directorist 7.0
  2. It would be wise to test the new version on the staging site first. 
  3. After upgrading Directorist, make sure to upgrade the Directorist extensions/themes. 
  4. Do NOT upgrade the extensions first. 

If you still run into issues after updating to 7.0 then check if all the extensions are up to date. Rollback to the previous version and contact support if the issue exists.

How to Rollback

  1. Install the WP Rollback plugin and activate it. 
  2. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and click “Rollback” right below the Directorist – Business Directory Plugin
  3. Select the 6.5.8 and hit “Rollback”

Features in Directorist 7.0

We’re delighted to let you know that Directorist 7.0 is going to be the game-changer for our users due to some added exclusive features. Here is the changelog at a glance:

Changelog at a Glance 

Add – Multi directory
Add – Custom form and layout builder
Add – New settings panel
Add – Templating
Add – Listing CSV Export/Import with custom field
Add – Legacy template support
Add – Asset loading on demand
Add – Different dashboard and signup options for users and listing owners
Add – Same author listings in similar listings
Add – PHP compatibility (7.0 to 8.0)

1. Multi Directory

Waiting days are over! Using Directorist you can now create multiple directory types(post type) within the same directory with different functionalities for each directory type. Suppose you have a Vehicle directory and you want to have two directory types “Car” and “Bike”(It could be as many as you want), Directorist lets you create multiple directories on the same domain like www.example.com/vehicle-directory/car/{single-listing, all-listing, etc} and www.example.com/vehicle-directory/bike/{single-listing, all-listing, etc}. It is no longer required to install Directorist on a separate subdomain to manage separate directory types.

Check out the documentation page for more info.

2. Custom Form and Layout Builder (Directory Builder) – 

Directorist form and layout builder allows you to build custom add listing, search form using drag and drop technology. Besides, you will also be able to design your “All listing” card layout using the builder. Just drag and drop the items you want to show on the all listing card and give the all listing page a personalized appearance. More importantly, you can also customize the single listing page layout as well as add new sections, modify, and many more!

3. New Settings Panel

The new settings panel built on Vue.js is lighter and faster than ever before. On top of that, settings tabs and features are much cleaner to give you the most user-friendly directory experience.

4. Templating

The default functionalities might not be enough for your business/directory model. In such cases, you can add/modify functionalities using the templating feature to meet your need. Template overriding simply means customizing a template file without making changes to the core file. Usually, a new plugin update overrides all of your custom changes made in the core file. Directorist offers a robust templating system that allows you to override all the Directorist default template files without amending any of the plugin codes.

Check out the documentation page for more info.

5. Legacy Template 

If you have made significant amendments to the previous Directorist templates then this feature will come in handy. Legacy Template lets you use the old templates so all your changes are still in effect. Besides, if the new templates break use the legacy template feature for the time being and reach out to our support

Important: Please take the necessary steps as soon as possible since the Legacy Template support is temporary and will be discontinued soon. 

6. Different Dashboard

Directorist 7.0 separates the general user from the listing owner. General users can no longer add listing from the dashboard and my listings menu has been removed from their view. In order to add a listing a user has to register as an author or a general user has to send a request to add a listing to the admin.

Check out the documentation page for more info.

7. Listing CSV Export/Import with Custom Field

The good old CSV Import/Export just got more powerful. Directorist 7.0 brings the much-awaited custom field import feature to let you import the custom fields. Listing import and migrating to Directorist from another directory is more effective now. Moreover, CSV export has also been added to update therefore domain switching, exporting to local is no longer a big deal!

Check out the documentation page for more info.

8. Same Author Listings in Similar Listings

Previously only the listings that matched with the logic were displayed on similar listings regardless of the author. Directorist 7.0 gives you an option to display only the listings from the same author which could be a great feature to promote your own listings.

9. Asset Loading on Demand

Directorist now loads assets only when it is required to, which hoists the site speed and performance to a greater level.

In case you need help understanding functionalities, fixing issues, or other problems, please let us know here so we can assist you in the best possible manner.

Final Remark

The new era of Directorist has begun. In the coming days, more powerful features are getting unclocked. Hopefully, this major update will help you gain more confidence in WP Directory and help you create the website of your dreams. So, go ahead and start giving back to the community by creating the best-in-class directory website on WordPress!

So why wait! Update Directorist today and start using the new improvements. Stay with us for more updates in the future like this.

Last but not least, help us create a better product by giving us your valuable feedback through the comment box below. You’re highly appreciated to share your opinion. Best of luck!

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Written by

Sazzadul Bari

Sazzadul Bari takes care of marketing at Directorist. He is a passionate marketing geek who loves to play with words & numbers. When he's not drooling over digital marketing, you'll find him enjoying sports or going through his favorite books.

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