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listingpro vs

Directorist Vs ListingPro- Who Wins?

Directorist and ListingPro are always the two major players in the WordPress directory niche like the Ford and Ferrari of the market. For both of these products, their names speak for their usability. But rather, they are at the peak of their product quality. Though it sounds surprising, these ones have made their names after joining the industry.  

Again, both directory systems have responsive designs and flaunt lots of positive reviews in the WordPress repository, which further bolsters how good they are. However, Directorist created its room in the industry successfully within just a few years while ListingPro took a bit longer. 

Two very similar feature-filled products but are strikingly different, have been in the market, competing neck and neck for years, so it’s very hard to make an apparent distinction between them. That’s why, in this article, we’ve decided to excavate the subtle differences in the aspects of the brands, leaving the final discretion to you. 

Let’s jump right into ListingPro vs Directorist battle.

Best AI Form Builder

How Directorist Compares to ListingPro In a Nutshell 

Before we take a deep dive into the specifics of Directorist vs ListingPro, we first want to give you some basic ideas about these two products. 

Directorist is a business directory plugin that you can use to build any type of directory website. Moreover, building different directory websites on a single domain is possible using Directorist. No extra charge, no hassle. With Directorist, you can customize and extend the functionalities according to your needs. Multiple Mapping Source and Styling, Page Builder Support the features you can enjoy even in the free version of Directorist. 

On the other hand, ListingPro is a WordPress theme designed with the features you could need to create a directory site. However, you will face several problems while using ListingPro. For example, Extendability blocks, working with a single niche instead of multiple niches, etc. are the common characteristics of a directory theme like ListingPro. 

Multiple Mapping Source and Styling✔️✔️
Page Builder Support✔️✔️

ListingPro vs Directorist-Differences in Features

You know what they say – One shoe won’t fit every foot, but you won’t know that unless you try the shoe first.

Directorist and Listing Pro are both popular and brought up in the WordPress Directory niche. But the question is which one is right for you? Okay!!! Let’s see how they outperform each other and then seal your deal. 

Scenario #1- Free Vs Premium

WordPress is a platform that operates on an open-source model, which means that free plugins are widely available and commonly expected. When browsing the WordPress repository, you’ll find numerous plugins that can be downloaded and installed without any cost. There is no requirement to make payments either before or after acquiring these plugins.

However, in a free plugin, there are a limited number of features unlike premium ones but for Directorist, the case is different. With Directorist, you can have some amazing features needed to build your directory site just free of cost. Therefore, you can extend the functionality and versatility of your directory site using the free version of Directorist.

Literally, if you are just a starter, then having a no-cost plugin will be an amazing option to save money. But, when you think that you need to scale up your directory with exclusive features, then thinking about taking the premium support will be a worthwhile investment. 

On the other side of the coin, the ListingPro is paid so downloading and installing it requires charges. But what you get in it is a set of features to help you utilize the advantage of installing it on your site. 

Scenario #2- Multi-directory Facilities

Just starting a single-directory site and later on, switching to multi-directory sites is possible with the multi-directory feature. For example, if you start your day with a mobile directory and want to end it with mobiles plus mobile accessories directory, you can do it easily with the multi-directory feature. 

Luckily, Directorist offers this feature even at no cost required. On the flip side, ListingPro is short of the multi-directory feature. That’s why you can’t create a multi-directory site using ListingPro. 

listingpro vs
Multi-Directory Facility✔️

Scenario #3- Announcement Feature

You might want to post an announcement about recent developments in projects that you’re affiliated with, awards, course-related updates, a new book or article release, associated news items, etc. The announcement feature will enable you to post and manage the announcements that you would like to publish on your site.  

Interestingly, Directorist comes up with this announcement feature which you won’t find in ListingPro. And, this feature is something where the Directorist takes the edge. 

Announcement Feature✔️

Scenario #4- Rank Featured Listings

Rank Featured Listings is used to rank your featured listing items on your directory website. Sometimes you may need to rank all your featured listings if it happens on a larger scale. Adding an unlimited number of featured items can disrupt the actual purpose of the featured listing. That’s why the Rank featured extension is needed to fix the issues. 

The good news is that Directorist has unveiled this extension to rank the featured listing items on a directory website. In contrast, Listing Pro hasn’t yet rolled out rank-featured extensions in its arsenal. 

Scenario #5- All Authors Feature

All the authors are the owners of listings. All Author feature allows you to bring all the listing owners under an umbrella. Thus, a listing owner finds another listing owner easily. Meaning, you are building out a staff directory, and member directory websites. Users can browse through the authors. For example, you build a “hospital directory”.  Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital is an author and the listings under “Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital” are doctors. 

More fortunately, Directorist puts this feature on its table while ListingPro needs “All Author Feature”. 

All Author Feature✔️

Scenario #6- Admin Dashboard

It allows the Directory owners/admins to get a bird-eye view of their online business directory website. That means an admin can easily have insights into the performance of his/her directory business. Thus he/she can run the business smoothly with more outputs. 

Unfortunately, Directorist lacks this feature till now, however, the team Directorist claims on their roadmap that they will introduce Admin Dashboard in the days to come. 

Just the reverse, Listing Pro can boast of this feature as it has already added the Admin Dashboard feature to its repository. 

Scenario #7- Events Calendar

Events Calendar allows the admin/directory business owner to display the events in various styles so that visitors can easily filter the events and sign up for them.

Sadly, for this feature, Directorist drops the ball to ListingPro which comes up with the Events Calendar feature both in list and map views form. 

Events Calendar❌ ✔️

Scenario #8- Mark as Sold

This feature is a dynamic extension that provides listing authors the opportunity to show visitors whether a particular item is sold or not. For this extension, Directorist gets the head and shoulders above ListingPro. Directorist comes up with Mark as Sold while ListingPro doesn’t. 

Scenario #9- Schema Ready

Schema markup is code (semantic vocabulary) that you put on your website to help the search engines return more informative results for users. So, Schema is not just for SEO reasons, it’s also for the benefit of the searchers. 

Having this feature, ListingPro triumphs over Directorist. However, Directorist folks say on their roadmap that they are working on Schema markup and they will broach it up in the very near future. 

Scenario #10- Private Directory

The private directory enables the option that restricts the websites’ items and sections to the special users who come into the site by logging in with emails. And, it is a wonderful way to enlarge the volume of your email list. 

Being covered with this feature, Directorist towers over ListingPro which runs short of the private directory feature. 

Private Directory✔️❌ 

Scenario #11- WooCommerce Multi-vendor Plugin Compatibility​

If you want to run a multi-vendor and directory business at the same time, then you need a directory system that is compatible with popular multi-vendor plugins like Dokan WC Vendors, WC Marketplace, WCFM, YITH WooCommerce Multi-Vendor. 

Fortunately, Directorist has this feature whereas ListingPro lacks WooCommerce multi-vendor plugin compatibility. 

ListingPro vs Directorist- Similarities In Features

Both Directorist and ListingPro are members of the WordPress Directory Niche. Although they differ in a number of ways, they have many similarities. These similarities include….

Scenario #1- Advanced Form Builder

Advanced form builder allows the directory owners to boost up the directory listing experiences. Moreover, this feature helps the admin to build an Add listing or Submission page. 

In this case, both Directorist and ListingPro can crow about as they both will facilitate you with this advanced feature to organize your directory website with an advanced search system customizability. 

But if we talk about the ease of use and more usability options, then Directorist may easily put ListingPro in the shade for this feature. Also, you will get the Advanced Form Builder feature even in the Directorist’s free version. On the contrary, this feature is available in only the pro version of ListingPro. 

Drag & drop based input fields✔️✔️
Advanced search form builder facility✔️✔️
Create and customize the listing card for grid view✔️✔️
Single Page Layout and Listings Card Layout✔️
Personalized builder settings panel✔️

Scenario #2- Pricing 

The two rivals have completely different pricing plans.  The regular price for ListingPro is $69  for 6 months of support. If you want to extend the support to 12 months, then the total price will be $90.38. But, the major disadvantage of this directory solution is that it is limited to a single domain. 

On the other hand, the lifetime deal for Directorist is only $699 with 100 domains, lifetime updates, lifetime customer support, all premium extensions, and themes. Also, Renewal is not required. Most importantly, you will get a 30-day money-back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied with the service. 

However, there are 3 other plans too: $139 for 1 year, $97 for 6 months, $63 for 3 months. The major advantage of all these plans is that you can enjoy unlimited sites license and all upcoming premium products. 

Check Pricing

N.B: Pricing plans from both sides are subject to changes over the time

Scenario #3- Unlimited Custom Fields​

What if you add the fields on your directory site according to your needs? The unlimited custom fields feature will allow you to add an infinite number of fields to your listing form. 

Luckily, Both Directorist and ListingPro endow you with unlimited custom fields feature. And, you can design your listing form page with your preferred fields using any of the directory systems. However, Directorist doesn’t charge even a single penny for this feature while ListingPro does. 

Custom Fields✔️ ✔️ 

Scenario #4- CSV Bulk Importer

It simplifies the migration process by letting you import thousands of listings from a CSV file. Exporting and importing listings manually can be a grueling job and the exporting and importing process might fetch up with blunders. 

Surprisingly, both Directorist and ListingPro offer this feature for free. No Payments are to be made before or after the use. 

CSV Bulk Importer✔️ ✔️ 

Scenario #5- Frontend Listing Submission and Guest Submission​

By enabling frontend submissions for your WordPress directory site, you can allow users to submit listings via a familiar web form, rather than the standard WordPress post editor. Also, If you accept guest submissions on your site, then adding a frontend submission form is a great way to simplify the process and increase the chances of user interaction on your directory websites. 

With both directory systems, you can allow users to directly submit listings from the front end rather than submitting from the backend. In these directory solutions, visitors can act as an author or reviewers without logging in. Moreover, both Directorist and ListingPro have a frontend submission management system to allow you to edit the fields that make up the form, allowing you to remove superfluous fields, or add your own custom fields for capturing specific information, such as URLs, or files. 

Frontend Listing Submission and Management​✔️✔️
Guest Submission✔️✔️

Scenario #6- Exclusive Plugins/Addons

Plugin Integration or Addons allows you to enhance your website’s usability with more features. 

At present, Directorist is enveloped with 30 extensions which are 

  • Mailchimp Integration
  • Multi-directory Linking 
  • BuddyPress Integration
  • BuddyBoss Integration
  • Oxygen Integration 
  • Authorize.net Payment Gateway
  • Directorist Coupon
  • Directorist Ads Manager
  • Compare Listings
  • Rank Featured Listings
  • Booking (Reservation & Appointment)
  • Live Chat
  • Mark as Sold
  • Social Login
  • Post Your Need
  • Listings with Map
  • Image Gallery
  • Listing FAQs
  • Listings Slider & Carousel
  • Google reCAPTCHA
  • Business Hours
  • Stripe Payment Gateway
  • PayPal Payment Gateway
  • Pricing Plans
  • WooCommerce Pricing Plans

Whereas ListingPro has 18 Addons in its assortment. These are.

  • EventPro
  • MedicalPro
  • Android for ListingPro
  • BlackPro
  • LawyersPro
  • WeddingPro
  • Petfinder Pro
  • Mercadopago
  • Email Blaster Pro
  • Mobile For ListingPro
  • EWAY For ListingPro
  • PayU India
  • PayFast 
  • RazorPay
  • PayStack

Scenario #7- Mobile Apps Availability

Mobile apps allow users to handle information instantly and in real-time. It is not necessary to charge a laptop, everything can be consulted from the cell phone. And, people are prioritizing this feature while availing services from a directory business.  Hence, without mobile apps, you are more likely to put your business at risk. 

                                 Source: clutch,

In this case, Directorist and the ListingPro, both are in the same home but in different rooms. Directorist’s mobile app is to thicken a friendly user experience through its highly intuitive user interface and amazing features. Moreover, its mobile app is compatible with both Android and iOS while ListingPro’s mobile app is only tuned for Android. 

Mobile App✔️( Android, Ios)✔️ ( Only Android)

Scenario #8-  Built-in Checkout Feature

Different people use different online payment systems. For example, David is used to having Paypal while Victor prefers Stripe. As a directory business owner, you should have different payment gateways built-in into your directory site for maximum exposure. The more payment gateways you have on your site, the more conversions you can expect from. On the other hand, the absence of various payment gateways can be a reason to lose traffic. 

Luckily, both of the directory systems have this amazing feature. However, Directorist has integration with more payment gateways, compared to ListingPro. In this sense, Directorist knocks spots off ListingPro. 

Payment GatewaysDirectoristListingPro
WooCommerce Payment Gateway✔️
Bank Transfer✔️
Authorize.net ✔️

Scenario #9- Live Chat

Source: Reve

Live Chat is a feature that allows visitors to contact business owners immediately and easily. Moreover, it builds strong trust between business owners and customers. 

Luckily, both Directorist and ListingPro come up with the Live Chat feature. Hence, in this feature, no one is a frontliner. 

Live Chat✔️✔️

Scenario #10- Earn through Monetization

Every standard directory solution should have a monetization Feature. And, the directory system should allow you to monetize in various ways – not just through one or two ways. 

ListingPro allows you to monetize through several ways like Paid Pricing Plans, Paid Claim, Ads Campaign, Google Adsense, etc. 

Whereas, Directorist comes up with more monetization options than what ListingPro has. These options are Pay Per Submit, Subscriptions, Rank Featured Listing, etc. 

Paid Listings✔️✔️
Rank Featured Listing✔️
Claim a Listing✔️✔️
EU VAT Compliance
Pay Per Submit✔️✔️
Google AdSense✔️✔️
Post Your Needs✔️

Scenario #11- Search with Advanced Filter

Search with Advanced Filter is a very crucial aspect of a directory site. It allows customers or visitors to find their desired listings from thousands of solutions in a second. Having this feature on your directory site can easily shake off your competitors. 

For the improved search experiences of customers, you should let your users search listings based on a large number of criteria like custom fields, tags, price range, etc. along with default text field, category, and location fields to elevate the search experience to the next level. 

Surprisingly, both directory systems offer you this feature but unfortunately, ListingPro lacks Advanced Search Filter with Drag & Drop Builder option. 

Search Filters✔️✔️
Advanced Custom Filters with drag and drop builder✔️

Scenario #12-Modern, Customizable, and Trending Design

A directory solution should come up with a Modern, Customizable, and Trending Design. Directorist can blow its own trumpet for its modern-day design with 3 types of view that includes — grid, list, and map view. On the other hand, ListingPro comes with 2 types of view-grid & list. 

Scenario #13- Easy Translation & Built-in SEO Solution

Easy Translation & Built-in SEO Solution feature of a directory solution allows you to translate to any language effortlessly using the Loco Translate plugin that provides in-browser editing of the translation files and get your directory listing website optimized for SEO. 

Interestingly, both Directorist and ListingPro allow you to translate your directory listing websites into multiple languages. Moreover, both of the directory solutions are compatible with the Yoast SEO plugin. 

Scenario #14-More Premium Features

A powerful directory solution should include the following features for maximum usability. 

Business Hours or Operational Hours✔️✔️
Social Login✔️✔️
Spam Protection✔️✔️
Listing FAQs✔️
Image Gallery✔️
Listings Slider & Carousel✔️


Scenario #15- Other Features

The following are the auxiliary yet powerful features for a standard directory solution. 

Right to left language compatibility like Arabic, Aramaic, Azeri, etc.✔️
Rating & Reviews✔️✔️
Custom Badges✔️
GDPR-Friendly ✔️✔️
Renew Listings✔️✔️
Email Notification✔️✔️
Save & Bookmark✔️✔️
Easy SetupWizard✔️✔️

Tax Ready✔️✔️
Flag & Report✔️✔️
Super Responsiveness✔️✔️
Elementor Page Builder Widgets✔️✔️
Custom user Registration and Login✔️✔️
Social Media Share✔️✔️
Events Manager✔️✔️
EU VAT Compliance
Free Maps✔️✔️
Lead Generation✔️
Statistics ✔️
Push Notification

End Lines on ListingPro vs Directorist

First off, thank you for reading our ListingPro vs Directorist review to the end. Both directory solutions are amazing. Some users love Directorist and some ListingPro, and there are various reasons behind it. Since we’re talking about your website, it’s essential to find out what fits you and your website needs. 

In this article, we’ve searched and gathered information regarding different aspects of the two directory systems to settle the ListingPro vs Directorist argument once and for all. 

We hope this article helps you make the decision on which product is better for your project. However, at the very initial level, you should use the free version of the products to get hands-on experience and make a much better-informed decision but unfortunately, ListingPro doesn’t come up with a free version. 

Once you take a rest from building your directory websites, leave a comment and let us know what you think about the products. 

If you liked our posts, don’t forget to subscribe to our blog so that we can notify you once any post is published. Directorist is now on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn! You can also join the Directorist Community for sharing your thoughts and experiences relating to the directory niche. Come and join us to see what we’re up to.

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Written by

Md. Hamim Khan

Md Hamim Khan is the Content and SEO Manager at Directorist, where he creates engaging content that helps improve online visibility. When he’s not at work, he loves playing cricket and enjoys chatting with friends, family, and colleagues.

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  • author-avatar
    June 17, 2022

    Both are great, however the deciding factor is always price and listingPro being one payment and directorist subscription played a big role why i choose listingPro. I get that with directorist you get unlimited number of sites that you can use it on, but how many sites do you think we are building at once? We need max one or two.

    • author-avatar
      July 4, 2022

      Hey @ziga, extremely sorry for the late response

      Directorist also offers lifetime plans which basically is a one-time payment. Our lifetime plan currently comes in three variations, 1 site, 5 sites and unlimited sites, so you can choose the one that fits your deal the most. More details are here: https://directorist.com/pricing/


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