Adding a listing from the frontend & backend
Directorist lets you publish any kind of business listings very easily. It provides you a very clean and simple interface to add any kind of niche listings without any difficulty. You can also configure and customize the add listing form in accordance with your needs.
Front-end submission by the admin and registered users: Adding a listing from the front-end of the website is very simple. Both the admin and the registered user can submit listings from the front end. Please refer to the instructions below in order to add a listing.
Add the [directorist_add_listing] shortcode on any page where you would like to display the frontend add-listing form (a page with this shortcode is generated automatically at the time of activating the Directorist plugin, so you can skip this part if everything works flawlessly). Visit the add listing page and fill in the add-listing form. A new listing will be created in the backend of your website.

*Add listing form fields will vary based on your settings and extensions.
Back-end submission by admin: Navigate to WordPress Dashboard → Directory Listings → Add New Listing page. You will see a form similar to the screenshot attached above with admin functionalities on top. Your form may have more or fewer fields depending on the number of additional directorist extension installed on your website. Fill in the form with the necessary information. Once you are done filling in the form, click the publish button to publish the listing.Last Updated: June 1st, 2020