You can display a message to a user when a transaction fails using this shortcode. DIrectorist will redirect the user automatically to the page where this shortcode is used. However, you need to assign this page to the Transaction Failure Page option in the Directory Settings → Pages, Links, and Views.Transaction Failure Shortcode:[directorist_transaction_failure]
This shortcode does not have any attributes/parameters
Payment Receipt
You can show the complete details of the purchase to the customer after completing a purchase using this shortcode. However, If you visit the page directly, you will not see any content. Rather you may see an error message somewhat like this “Sorry! No order id has been provided.“.
It is because the directorist uses this page automatically when necessary. You need to add the shortcode in a page and assign the page to the payment/order receipt page option in the Directory Settings → Pages, Links, and Views.Payment Receipt Shortcode:[directorist_payment_receipt]
This shortcode does not have any attributes/parameters.
Sample Screenshot
The shortcode output on your site may be a little different because new features are being added and modified with every update.
Use this shortcode [directorist_checkout] to display the Directorist cart and checkout information on any page or post you like. This shortcode does not have any attributes/parameters. If you visit the page directly, you will not see any content. Rather you may see an error message somewhat like this “Sorry, Something went wrong. The listing ID is missing. Please try again. “. It is because Directorist uses this page automatically when necessary. You need to add the shortcode in a page and assign the page to the Checkout/Cart option in the Directory Settings → Pages, Links, and Views.Checkout/Cart Shortcode:[directorist_checkout]
The [directorist_checkout] shortcode will also output all payment gateways information so that the user can pay/checkout using any gateway they like.
Sample Screenshot
The shortcode output on your site may be a little different because new features are being added and modified with every update.
That's all about Payment & Checkout Page shortcodes.