You can display all listings on any page using the following shortcode.
The [directorist_all_listing]
shortcode has many parameters to customize the display of all listings. Let’s have a look at the available parameters and their available values with some description. All of these parameters are OPTIONAL. If you do not use any parameters in the shortcode then the Directorist will use options from the settings page ( Directory Listings → Directory Settings → Listing Settings → General Settings page ).
- Directory Type: If you are using multi directory feature then you can display all listings based on specific directory types. Example:
[directorist_all_listing directory_type="place"]
Replace the directory_type with the slug name of the directory.
- view: You can display all listings in a list layout or grid layout. Available Options: list,grid & map view. The default value is the grid. Example:
[directorist_all_listing view="grid"]
- order by: You can order all listings using this parameter. Options available : title, date,rand & price. The default is the date. Example:
[directorist_all_listing orderby="date"]
- order: You can sort all listings in ascending or descending order. Options available: asc | desc. The default is desc. Example:
[directorist_all_listing order="asc"]
- listings_per_page: You can set the number of listing to show per page using this parameter. The default is 6. Example:
[directorist_all_listing listings_per_page="6"]
- category: Display all listings of one or more categories. Use category slugs separated by a comma. Example:
[directorist_all_listing category="food,travel,medical"]
- tag: Display all listings of one or more tags. Use tag slugs separated by a comma. Example
[directorist_all_listing tag="car,book,medicine"]
- location: Display all listings of one or more locations by location slug. Use location slugs separated by a comma. Example:
[directorist_all_listing location="new-york, Michigan"]
- ids: You can display listings by listing ids. Example:
[directorist_all_listing ids="1,2,5"]
- featured_only: Display only featured listing. Options available: yes | no. Example:
[directorist_all_listing featured_only="yes"]
- logged_in_user_only: You can make all listings page only visible for logged-in users using this parameter. Options available: yes | no. Example:
[directorist_all_listing logged_in_user_only="no"]
- redirect_page_url: Forward/redirect all listings page using this parameter. Example:
[directorist_all_listing redirect_page_url=""]
- popular_only: Display only popular listing. Options available: yes | no. Example:
[directorist_all_listing popular_only="yes"]
- header: You can show/hide the header area using these attributes. Options available: yes | no. Example:
[directorist_all_listing header="yes"]
- header_title: You can customize the header title using this parameter. For example
[directorist_all_listing header_title="All Items"]
- columns: You can set the number of columns of the grid view layout using this attribute. Example
[directorist_all_listing columns="3"]
- display_preview_image: You can show/hide listing preview images using this parameter. Available Options: yes|no. Example
[directorist_all_listing display_preview_image="yes"]
- advanced_filter: You can show/hide advanced filter using this parameter. Available Options: yes|no. Example
[directorist_all_listing advanced_filter="yes"]
- show_pagination: You can show/hide pagination. Available Options: yes|no. Example
[directorist_all_listing show_pagination="yes"]
- map_height: You can customize the height of the map view layout using this attribute. Example
[directorist_all_listing map_height="350"]
Sample Screenshot
The shortcode output on your site may be a little different because new features are being added and modified with every update.