Single Category Page
You can display all listings of a single category using the following shortcode. Remember, if you visit the page after adding this
shortcode directly, you will see something like this ‘No Results Found.’ message.
It is because the Directorist plugin will use the page with this shortcode to display all listings of a specific category dynamically when a user clicks on a single category anywhere on your website. In other words, this page is not for direct access so it is better not to include the page with this shortcode in the nav menu.
Single Category Shortcode: [directorist_category]
The shortcode [directorist_category]
has a number of parameters to customize the output. Let’s have a look at the available attributes/parameters and their available values with some description.
- view: You can display all listings of a category in a list, grid, or map layout. Available Options: list, grid, and map view. The default value is the grid. Example:
[directorist_category view="grid"]
- order by: You can order all listings of a category using this parameter. Options available: title, date & price. The default is the date. Example:
[directorist_category orderby="date"]
- order: You can sort all listings of a category in ascending or descending order. Options available: asc | desc. The default is asc. Example:
[directorist_category order="asc"]
- logged_in_user_only: You can make a single category only visible for the logged-in users using this parameter. Options available: yes | no. Example:
[directorist_category logged_in_user_only="no"]
- redirect_page_url: Forward/redirect a single category page using this parameter. Example:
[directorist_category redirect_page_url=""]
- listings_per_page: You can set the number of listing to show per page using this parameter. The default is 6. Example:
[directorist_category listings_per_page="6"]
- header: You can show/hide the header area using these attributes. Options available: yes | no. Example:
[directorist_category header="yes"]
- header_title: You can customize the header title using this parameter. For example
[directorist_category header_title="Total Listing Found: "]
- columns: You can set the number of columns of the grid view layout using this attribute. Example
[directorist_category columns="3"]
- show_pagination: You can show/hide pagination. Available Options: yes|no. Example
[directorist_category show_pagination="yes"]
- map_height: You can customize the height of the map view layout using this attribute. Example
[directorist_category map_height="350"]
Last Updated: July 25th, 2021